The sizzling summer heat is upon us and one way to stay cool is with a refreshing summer cocktail. Recipes with sparkling water have a distinct advantage too, because they give you a little hydration to beat the heat. Here are a few of our favorites:














  • 1 Bottle of Dry White Wine
  • 1 cup Syfo Lemon-Lime Sparkling Water
  • 1/2 cup Raspberry Vodka
  • 1/4 cup Brandy
  • Honey (optional)
  • Chopped Fresh Strawberries
  • Fresh Raspberries
  • Fresh Blueberries
  • Ice


In a pitcher, combine wine, Syfo, vodka and brandy. Add warm honey to add sweetness if desired. Toss a few raspberries and a small handful of chopped strawberries into the bottom of each glass and muddle the fruit. Fill the glass with ice, then with sangria. Add a few blueberries and stir.

Recipe adapted from


Watermelon Peach Spritzer












  • 2 liters of Syfo Lemon-Lime Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water
  • Frozen sliced peaches
  • Watermelon, cubed
  • Ice cubes


Put about 5 frozen peach slices in the bottom of each glass. Also add about 5 pieces of cubed watermelon to each glass as well. The amount of fruit you can add will depend on your glass size. I found about 5 peach slices and 5 watermelon cubes worked well for my glass sizes.

To each glass also add 2 ice cubes. Then fill up each glass with the lemon-lime sparkling water. Stir each glass to mix the fruit throughout the drink. If desired, place a piece of watermelon on the rim of each glass.

Recipe courtesy of














The first drink James Bond ordered in the novel Casino Royale, the first in the series. Recipe adapted from The Robb Report



  • 1.5 oz. Campari
  • 1.5 oz. sweet vermouth
  • 4 ounce of Syfo Original Seltzer
  • Ice


Combine Campari and sweet vermouth in a tall glass over rocks. Top with Syfo Original Seltzer, stir to combine and garnish with an orange peel.


Watermelon Mojito

Here’s a delicious summertime treat from a WebMD feature on low-calorie cocktails.


This is a refreshing take on the Cuban mojito that’s light on the calories. Instead of using sugar, use a wooden pestle or a big spoon to gently crush cubes of watermelon with fresh mint leaves. Add rum and Syfo Original Seltzer or your favorite flavor of Syfo Naturally-Flavored Sparkling Waters for a sweet mojito. At 100 calories, it has half the calories of a usual mojito.



Ranch Water 













Ranch Water is basically a highball made with tequila. Place 2 shots of tequila in a glass (3 ounces).Mix in the juice of 1 lime (that’s about 1 ½ ounces). Fill the glass with ice and top it off with Syfo Original Seltzer (about ½ cup). Recipe adapted from a couple cooks.


Things are heating up in the Southeast and across the country, just in time for the Fourth of July weekend. The heat and increased outdoor activities that go with the holiday weekend and the summer can be a dangerous combination, as people sometimes don’t realize the dangerous health effects heat can have if they don’t take the proper precautions. So here are some basic tips for handling the heat from University of California Davis (spoiler alert: they include drinking beverages like Syfo):

Drink before you’re thirsty —  Thirst is often the first sign of dehydration. Experts recommend those who work outdoors drink one quart of water per hour. Those who work indoors should consider setting a “water alarm” to remind them to stay hydrated.  The same can be said for anyone engaging in outdoor or indoor activities. Pay attention to your thirst.

Acclimate yourself to the heat —  It can can take time for your body to acclimate itself to the heat in the summer months. The UC Davis article quotes an expert as saying that you need to be mindful that your water requirements will increase with the heat.

Skip the caffeine —  Environmental physician Sheri Belafsky says: “It’s tempting to reach for a soda or iced tea on a warm day to quench your thirst. But people aren’t aware that the caffeine they’re consuming is doing the exact opposite of what they need. It’s dehydrating.” Instead, she recommends opting for herbal iced tea that’s decaffeinated, sparkling water, or creating your own “spa water” infused with fresh fruit.  (We recommend Syfo Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters of course.)

Exercise indoors or limit activities during the coolest parts of the day — As the Noel Coward song goes, only mad dogs and Englishman go out in the midday sun, meaning it’s foolish to ignore the physical demands of the midday heat. As sports medicine physician  Brandee Waite  says in the UC Davis piece: “People who exercise regularly often don’t consider the effects of heat on their performance and overall health. Make sure to plan your outdoor physical activities during the cooler morning and possibly evening hours.”

Wear breathable fabrics —  Try wearing lightweight cotton, linen or a blend that feels cool to the touch and is breathable. Avoid synthetic fabrics like polyester that don’t allow the body’s natural cooling system to work. If you’ll be in and out of buildings with air conditioning, experts suggest wearing light layers.

Take regular timeouts amid outdoor activities —  “Schedule a minimum of 10 minutes in the shade for every hour of exercise or activity,” Waite told UC Davis. “Children, older people and those who are less fit need more rest.” She notes that youngsters aren’t always aware that they need rest periods and water breaks.

Know your personal risk —  “Certain populations are more vulnerable to the heat,” Belafsky said. “including people with chronic kidney disease or diabetes for example. It’s important to understand how extreme temperatures affect your medical condition.” Belafsky in the UC Davis article also shared that common medications can impact a person’s ability to stay cool or hydrated. Thyroid medication and diuretics that treat blood pressure can cause excessive sweating and salt depletion that leads to dehydration. Beta-blockers for heart conditions can impair sweating, which makes it hard for the body to cool itself.

So be prepared, stay hydrated and cool this Fourth of July and throughout the summer with Syfo. Our products contain no sodium, preservatives, artificial sweeteners or any other additives. With four delightful all-natural flavors, Syfo is a great way to stay hydrated this weekend and throughout the year.

Happy Fourth everyone!

Sure Syfo Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters are a delight on the tongue — healthy and refreshing with no sugar, sodium, artificial sweeteners, preservatives or other additives. But did you know that those delicious bubbles themselves carry their own health benefits?

We posted the article a while back and it still rings true. Plus check out this video that really drives the point home!


Also, in a recent article on, these other great benefits of drinking sparkling water were highlighted:

Helps You Stay Hydrated

We’ve said it throughout our site and agrees — water is essential for good health. It keeps you hydrated, is necessary for moving nutrients throughout your body, keeps you feeling full between meals and reduces fluid retention. Most Americans don’t drink enough water, according to dietitian Sheila Tucker from Boston College. The amount of water you need to drink each day depends on age, gender, food choices, activity, weather and health conditions. In general, you should aim for 1 quart of water for every 50 pounds of body weight, or 3 quarts a day for a 150-pound person. Adding sparkling water to your drinking routine may help you meet your daily fluid needs to stay hydrated.

Improves Digestion

If you’re feeling a little sick to your stomach after eating, drinking a glass of carbonated water might help, according to a 2002 study published in the “European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.” Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is a term used to describe a variety of symptoms that occur in the upper abdominal area and may include bloating, nausea, vomiting or quickly feeling full after eating.

Keeps Your Body In Sync

The same 2002 study also found an improvement in constipation in the study participants who drank carbonated water. When you’re dealing with constipation, you know to up your intake of foods high in fiber. But getting enough fluids is as important as fiber when it comes to constipation. Fluids, such as sparkling water, help the fiber work better in your gut and keeps you regular.

So when you’re enjoying a cold glass of Syfo Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water you can feel refreshed and good about your health at the same time. Click here to try some great Syfo recipes to enjoy while staying healthy and hydrated.

Memorial Day is a chance to remember all the service men and women for their sacrifice, and it’s become one of America’s favorite holiday weekends. Traditionally this weekend heralds the start of summer — and now more than ever Americans could use the time to enjoy the outdoors and sun.

But as we venture out for this weekend and the throughout summer, it’s important to eat well, stay hydrated and be mindful of your health. Follow the experts’ advice for safely enjoying this weekend during the pandemic. If you’re heading to the beach, pack that sunscreen to offset the hot sun. If you’re having a cookout with your family — in addition to all the meats – add shrimp, a green salad and fresh fruit to help balance the meal. And with any of your outdoor activities, it’s important to have plenty to drink to stay hydrated in the heat.

And not just any liquid. Soft drinks, energy drinks, iced tea, alcohol and similar beverages can actually dehydrate you. This especially true for sugar-laden drinks, where research has shown that the sugar in these drinks removes water from the body.

That’s why water is the perfect beverage choice for all the summer fun ahead and Syfo Beverages can give you the best of both worlds. Our Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters and Original Seltzer are made with purified water and contain no sugar, sodium, artificial sweeteners, preservatives or other additives. The effervescence is refreshing, the water hydrating and our all-natural flavors make Syfo the perfect complement for any summer activity, get-together or meal. For the perfect summer treat, try our new Peach-Pear Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water!

So safely enjoy all of your Memorial Day weekend activities this year while remembering our brave service men and women. And be sure to have plenty of Syfo on hand for those summer days ahead.

Everyone at Syfo Beverages would like to pay tribute to mothers everywhere this Mother’s Day. In this day and age, when it’s so difficult to make healthy diet and beverages choices, mothers do such a great job in providing for and nurturing their families. And Syfo is glad to be there to help.

Mothers are becoming increasingly concerned about the negative health effects that sugary sodas have on their children and Syfo can be a great alternative. Just mix any Syfo flavor with a juice and you have a winner that’s sure to please the entire family. Or if you’re trying to finally rid your refrigerator of soft drinks by weaning your family off of sugary drinks, try a mix of half soda and half Syfo. Less sugar means better health.

Even if you’re not a mother, we salute all women who nurture nieces, nephews, parents, pets and boyfriends. Happy Mother’s Day everyone!