Memorial Day and the Start of Summer
May 24, 2023

Memorial Day is a chance to remember all the service men and women for their sacrifice, and it’s become one of America’s favorite holiday weekends. Traditionally this weekend heralds the start of summer — and now more than ever Americans could use the time to enjoy the outdoors and sun.

But as we venture out for this weekend and the throughout summer, it’s important to eat well, stay hydrated and be mindful of your health. Follow the experts’ advice for safely enjoying this weekend during the pandemic. If you’re heading to the beach, pack that sunscreen to offset the hot sun. If you’re having a cookout with your family — in addition to all the meats – add shrimp, a green salad and fresh fruit to help balance the meal. And with any of your outdoor activities, it’s important to have plenty to drink to stay hydrated in the heat.

And not just any liquid. Soft drinks, energy drinks, iced tea, alcohol and similar beverages can actually dehydrate you. This especially true for sugar-laden drinks, where research has shown that the sugar in these drinks removes water from the body.

That’s why water is the perfect beverage choice for all the summer fun ahead and Syfo Beverages can give you the best of both worlds. Our Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters and Original Seltzer are made with purified water and contain no sugar, sodium, artificial sweeteners, preservatives or other additives. The effervescence is refreshing, the water hydrating and our all-natural flavors make Syfo the perfect complement for any summer activity, get-together or meal. For the perfect summer treat, try our new Peach-Pear Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water!

So safely enjoy all of your Memorial Day weekend activities this year while remembering our brave service men and women. And be sure to have plenty of Syfo on hand for those summer days ahead.

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