Recipe of the Day
Here’s a health and beauty benefit from sparkling water you may not have thought of. Washing your face with sparkling water can lead to healthier and more beautiful skin as explained in recent articles in Allure and Cosmopolitan magazines.
Part of the reason, says Miami-based dermatologist Roberta Del Campo, is that “carbonated water has a slightly acidic pH of 5.5, which coincidentally is the same pH as our skin. On the other hand, tap water has a pH of 7, which can disrupt the skin’s outermost layer, leading to dryness and irritation.” Furthermore, Del Campo says, carbonated water acts as a vasodilator, meaning it can improve blood supply to your skin and result in a healthier, brighter, rosier complexion.
Using carbonated water in beauty products, such as sheet masks and toners, has long been a trend in Japan and Korea and is now beginning to catch on in the United States. Dr. Del Campo recommends using a gentle, soap-free cleanser that has a similar pH to our natural skin along with the sparkling water. In this article on the Allure website, she states that washing the face with sparkling water is essentially an option for everyone, even those with sensitive skin. However, for some individuals with extremely sensitive skin, the skin will need to adjust over time and therefore, there may be initial irritation if used daily.
Syfo Original Seltzer is reverse osmosis purified water and has the highest carbonation. Syfo Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters are also made with 100% purified water and the all-natural flavorings are made by electively extracting the oil from the peel of the fruit. So don’t forget to enjoy a glass as Syfo is great for your taste buds as well!
You can read the entire Allure article here.
People often assume that natural flavors contain only natural ingredients. But that might not always be the case.
What can be called natural flavors is defined by law, and essentially the FDA says that any flavor extracted from a natural source, such as a fruit, spice, vegetable or seafood, can be called natural. In other words, the flavor wasn’t cooked up synthetically in a laboratory. However, that doesn’t mean that flavors called natural can’t also contain some unnatural additives.
Take the case of Hint Water, which was recently the target of a class action suit that charged they were deceptive in how they represented their product as “all-natural”. The company’s flavors are natural as defined by the FDA, but they also use propylene glycol (PG) — a synthetic substance used in cosmetics and food. And while synthetic solvents such as propylene glycol are not allowed in the production of organic certified products, they are permitted in “natural flavors.” The reasoning is that they are incidental additives present in food at an insignificant level. Although PG is FDA-approved, there is concern in some quarters about the potential negative health effects of the substance.
With Syfo there is no confusion. All of our natural flavors are propylene glycol free. We opt for vegetable based glycerin and/or ethyl alcohol (derived from grain) instead. There are no preservatives, artificial colors, or flavors used in the manufacturing of our flavors. That makes Syfo the clear choice.
Syfo’s glass and 100% recyclable PET bottles have always been completely BPA-Free. A new study links the chemical Bisphenol A or BPA to the development of prostate cancer. To reduce exposure, The Mayo Clinic recommends that consumers seek out BPA-free plastic and canned products.
BPA, a known endocrine disruptor, has been correlated to a number of health and developmental issues as we discussed in an earlier post here. This new study, headed by Gail Prins, Professor of Physiology and director of the andrology laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago, indicates that even low level of exposure to the chemical during development can lead to a higher risk of prostate cancer later in life.
In the study, Prins implanted mice with human prostate stem cells from healthy donors. For two weeks before the structure reached maturity, her team then fed the mice BPA at levels to which pregnant women are typically exposed. A third of the tissues in the test sample had either pre-cancerous lesions or prostate cancer, compared to only 13 percent in a control group that was only fed oil. In another group where the stem cells were exposed to BPA before implantation and again as they produced the prostate tissue in the mice, the prevalence of pre-cancerous lesions or cancer rose to 45 percent. Researchers in the field say the study shows that human prostate cells are targets of BPA and that early exposure may be associated with an increased risk for prostate cancer.
You can read more about the study linking BPA to prostate cancer here.
Believe or not, the start of the summer season — with the beach outings, picnics, pool parties and barbecues that launch the struggle to keep it all healthy — is upon us. Remember the New Years Resolution of not that long ago?
Besides all the tempting food, desserts and snacks, the warmer weather and increased outdoor activities bring the biggest challenge — the need to stay hydrated. So that means it’s more important than ever to stay away from sugary sodas and heavily-caffeinated drinks that may satisfy at first but will ultimately dehydrate you. Studies have shown that the sugar in beverages like energy and some sports drinks can remove water from your body.
Enter Syfo Original Seltzer and Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters. They’re the perfect beverage choice for all the summer fun ahead. Made with 100% purified water, Syfo products help you stay hydrated because water is simply the best way to hydrate yourself during warm weather activities. And since our products contain no sugar, sodium, artificial sweeteners, preservatives or other additives, there’s nothing in them to cancel that effect, making Syfo the healthy summer choice.
But we didn’t want to give you the impression that staying healthy this summer can’t be tasty and fun. Enjoy those cookouts and parties with some of our favorite Syfo summer recipes. Click the photos below for the full recipe details:
Lemon Ginger Pear Spritzer
Minty Lemon Soda
Strawberry Lemonade Fizz
Aloha Sparkle
Earlier this year we posted some tips to help you beat those sugar cravings in 2018. Now this article in the New York Times and its companion piece give you more ammunition for your fight to break the sugar habit.
One point that both pieces stress — Big Sugar has been actively pushing added sweeteners into our lives for decades, and has implemented an aggressive disinformation campaign to turn the focus on obesity and other health issues in our society toward fats and away from sugar. But the facts are that sugar is a primary culprit for a variety of health issues, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
But you don’t have to take it lying down (and we do recommend that you exercise). We encourage you to read the complete articles, but here are some important takeaways from both articles:
1) Cut out soda
Not just in these articles, but almost all subject matter experts on this topic say the same thing: cutting out sugar-laden soft drinks is key to both losing weight and improving your overall health. According to the federal government, sweetened beverages are the biggest source of added sugar in our diet — to the tune of a whopping 47 percent! Now for the shameless plug: the writer for the New York Times recommends swapping out soda for seltzer and sparkling water, saying: “…the shift to seltzer, club soda or sparkling water is life changing.” We can’t help but to agree and so do our Syfonatics. Read testimonials from our customers on how Syfo has improved their health, helped them to lose weight and changed their lives.
2) Change your breakfast
That glazed donut or muffin on the run with juice or a coffee sweetened with sugar may taste great on your morning commute, but breakfast is another big culprit in adding unneeded sugar in our diet. A breakfast with more protein (eggs, nuts, plain yogurt) fiber (fruits, unsweetened whole grain cereal) and vegetables (yes vegetables!) will stay with you longer, give you more energy and propel you into lunchtime.
3) Check your pantry
You know, it’s those items that beckon you at a certain hour of the evening when you’re bing-watching your favorite program. The problem is that many commercial snacks and crackers have plenty of hidden or added sugar. Fruit is a great alternative that can slash added sugar and up your intake of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Nuts are also a good option. If you must crunch, then Triscuits and Saltines have no added sugar.
We invite you to explore the New York Times articles for more insights and to visit our Health Tips section for great information on weight loss, nutrition and more.