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Orange Ginger Mint Soda
January 5, 2015



  • 2 Oranges
  • 1 1/2 Cups of Sugar
  • 1 1/2 Cups of Water
  • 8 1-inch Pieces of Ginger
  • 1 Bunch of Fresh Mint
  • 1 Bottle of Syfo Original Seltzer
  • Ice


Using a vegetable peeler, peel the rind from the oranges in to thin pieces, making sure not to get the white pith on the rind. Cut the oranges and squeeze the orange juice in to a medium saucepan. Add sugar and water to the pan and bring to boil. Stir frequently to ensure the sugar dissolves. Once boiling, reduce heat and add orange rind, ginger and mint. Allow to simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and let cool completely (about 1 hour). Strain mixture to remove solids and store in refrigerator until read to use. Add ΒΌ of a cup of the orange syrup to a tall glass with ice and top off with Syfo Original Seltzer. Garnish with an orange slice and mint leaves if desired.

Recipe courtesy of Yummly.com

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