Weight Problems Are Set in Childhood’s Earlier Years
February 11, 2014

A major new study has found that children who were overweight in kindergarten were much more likely to be obese by eighth grade. And almost every child who was very obese remained that way. The study tracked the body weight of more than 7,000 children and its results surprised many experts.

Although some obese or overweight kindergartners lost their excess weight, a child’s chance to avoid obesity diminished each year that passed. By age 11, children who were obese or overweight stayed that way. To combat the nation’s obesity epidemic, experts suggest that efforts must start much earlier and focus more on the children at greatest risk.

Replacing soda and soft drinks in whole or in part with Syfo Beverages is a perfect and delicious way to get your kids off to a healthy start. Syfo Original Seltzer and Syfo Tangerine-Orange, Lemon-Lime and Wild Cherry Naturally-Flavored Sparkling Waters are calorie-free and contain no sugar, sodium, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, preservatives or caffeine. Plus they taste great. Serving your children Syfo will steer them away from sugary soda — a major factor in childhood weight gain.

You can read more about the study in this New York Times article.

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