Take the Sugar Challenge for 2020
February 6, 2020

It’s a great way to start off the New Year and the new decade. And it just might be the most important New Year’s resolution you’ll ever make. Taking the 2020 Sugar Challenge by cutting back on added sugar can have a profound effect on your health and quality of life. 

As this New York Times article points out, added sugar lurks in nearly 70 percent of packaged foods and is found in breads, health foods, snacks, yogurts, most breakfast foods and sauces. So not even counting the sugar that naturally occurs in items like fruit and dairy products, the average American eats 17 teaspoons of added sugar a day. That’s about double the recommended limit for men (nine teaspoons) and triple the limit for women (six teaspoons). For children, the limit should be about three teaspoons of added sugar and no more than six, depending on age and caloric needs.  And when you add sugary drinks on top of that (a single glass can contain 11 teaspoons alone) and other sweet treats you can have serious health issues. 

Those issues can include heart disease, obesity, diabetes, liver disease and more. That’s why this year it’s important that you take the 2020 Sugar Challenge, and the New York Times article has a few tips to help you get started: 

  • Cut the sugar out of breakfast (it tends to be the sweetest meal of the day)
  • Cut down on sugary drinks (Syfo can help with that)
  • Eat whole foods rather than packaged foods
  • Try eating fruit for dessert
  • Read the nutrition labels on the food you eat to look for hidden sugar.

When it comes to cutting down on sugary drinks, Syfo can help you rise to the challenge. Our delicious Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters are free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, sodium, preservatives or other additives and are refreshing and satisfying on their own. To gradually reduce your sugary drink habit, you can always mix one of our flavors or our Original Seltzer with your favorite soda. You can read more on how to cut back on sugary drinks without going cold turkey in our post here

So start the challenge for the next seven days as the article recommends and make it a habit throughout the year. You can read more about the 2020 Sugar Challenge here

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