Quitting Soda? No Need to Go Cold Turkey
December 1, 2019

Yes, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, but if you’re trying to wean yourself off all those unhealthy sugary drinks, there’s no need to go cold turkey  Mixing one of our delicious Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters or Original Seltzer with your favorite soft drink is a great way to cut back (a fifty-fifty mix is a good place to start).

Some customer favorites that we can share:

  • Root beer with Syfo Wild Cherry Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water
  • Sprite or Seven-Up with Syfo Lemon-Lime, Tangerine Orange or Peach-Pear Sparkling Waters
  • Coke or Pepsi with Syfo Lemon-Lime Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water.

And just in time for a healthier holiday, here are more quitting tips from the health24 website:

Go gradual — not cold turkey. We’ve already covered this and dietitians agree: “Making drastic changes is not an effective way to create sustainable behavioral changes,” says dietitian Mascha Davis, RDN, author of the upcoming book Eat Your Vitamins.

Have a plan. Well we’ve all run into this with our New Year’s resolutions ) which are not far away). It’s one thing to tell yourself you’ll cut back, it’s another to have an exact goal that you can work toward. Have a plan to gradually cut back the amount of soda you consume, with Syfo’s help of course.

Reevaluate and adjust. Take time during the process for an assessment. How tough was the first step? How is your plan progressing? “Most people say that incrementally decreasing intake is actually an easy switch,” says Davis. Once you feel comfortable with your new soft drink routine, cut down more — have one soft drink four days a week and half a soft drink the other three.

Find balance elsewhere. Unfortunately, if you were consuming large amounts of caffeinated soft drinks, you may experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms as you cut back. To diminish the side effects, stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, exercise and prioritize at least seven hours of sleep per night.

Be patient with your taste buds. Although cutting back on soft drinks may leave you with major sugar cravings at first, your taste buds will eventually adjust and you’ll stop seeking out super sweet flavors. When that happens your desire for soft drinks will wane.

Never say never. This cuts both ways. Never think that you can’t kick the habit, but don’t be afraid to give yourself a treat every now and then. Check out how other people have used Syfo to kick the soda habit on our Testimonials page.

You can read the entire health24 article here.

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