Medical Daily Weighs in on Sparkling Water Health Benefits
July 17, 2019

If you’re a Syfonatic or a frequent visitor to our site, you know we’re not bashful about touting the health benefits of sparkling water. But it’s always a good idea to get a second opinion. In a recent article, the website Medical Daily highlighted some of the benefits of the bubbles including:

Better than soda – Well we’ve been saying this all along: Since sparkling water doesn’t contain any artificial sweeteners or sugar, it’s healthier than soda. Not to mention just as tasty and refreshing with our four delicious flavors of Syfo Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters.

Blood sugar control – Per a 2015 study, bicarbonate from carbonated water in the body is also known to regulate our body’s glucose levels. Just check out our testimonials to read how Syfo has been a dream drink for diabetics.

Helps with digestion – According to the Medical Daily website, sparkling water can aid an upset stomach from either illness, indigestion or even motion sickness. Research has also shown that sparkling water can help improve gall bladder emptying and constipation.

So feel good, feel refreshed and feel healthy at the same time. Click here to try some great Syfo recipes to enjoy while staying healthy and hydrated. You can read the entire Medical Daily article here.

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