Is Fruit Juice Healthier Than Soda?
June 20, 2014

We’ve covered the sad truth about fruit drinks’ high sugar content in a previous health tips post and many people assume that fruit juice is a healthier alternative to drinking soda or juice “drinks”. But is that really true? This piece on points out that even fruit juices can pack as much or more sugar in the form of fructose as a glass of soda and can lead to the same negative health effects.

It’s well known that one of the culprits in soda is the high fructose corn syrup that’s often used as the main sweetener. However, a study published online this month in the journal Nutrition shows that on average, fruit juice has a fructose concentration of about 45.5 grams per liter, only a bit less than the average of 50 grams per liter for sodas. As an example, Minute Maid 100 Percent Apple made with water and apple juice concentrate has nearly 66 grams of fructose per liter. That’s more than a liter of Coca-Cola (62.5 grams) or Dr. Pepper (61 grams).

In an effort to combat obesity in children sodas have been pulled from many schools but fruit juices remain in many locations. This new study points out that the fructose in fruit juices has the potential to be just as troublesome as soda. Michael Goran, Director of the Childhood Obesity Research Center at the University of Southern California who led the study, says that consuming fructose by eating whole fruit is different. This is because whole fruit has fiber, which is thought to slow down and reduce the absorption of sugar in the body.

Syfo Beverages contain no sugar or artificial sweeteners and our sparkling waters are naturally-flavored. Made from purified water and free of sodium, preservatives or other additives, they’re a delicious and healthy beverage alternative.  They’re also great for mixing with your child’s favorite fruit juice for a treat that’s lighter on the sugar.

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