Grab a Syfo and Kick the Sugar Habit
February 24, 2022

If you find yourself craving something sweet throughout the day you’re not alone, millions of Americans are in the same boat. Part of the reason is all the added sugar in some of the food we buy, which causes us to want more of that “sugar high”.  Scientists also believe that all this sugar consumption sends signals to the brain to “eat as much as you can”, which explain the common occurrence of craving sugar after consuming unhealthy foods.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, there at least two reasons that people crave sugar: you’re not eating enough or you’re eating a lot of processed foods with added sugar and salt.  So the best way to break the sugar addiction is to change the way you eat and drink and what you consume.

When it comes to what you drink, Syfo can give you a head start. Instead of reaching for sugary soda or even diet drinks, grab some Syfo to quench your thirst and enjoy a refreshing treat. Our delicious Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters are free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, sodium, preservatives or other additives and are refreshing and satisfying on their own. To gradually reduce your sugary drink habit, you can always mix one of our flavors or our Original Seltzer with your favorite soda or fruit juice.

For other dietary tips, the website Eat This, Not That! interviewed two dietitians on their medical advisory board to get these ideas:

1) Eat a complete breakfast — If you’re trying to avoid sugar cravings throughout your day, breakfast is one of the most important places to start. Those who begin the day with a complete breakfast of high-fiber carbohydrates (like oats, 100% whole grain bread, and fruit) and high-quality protein (like lean meat, eggs, dairy foods) start the day with stable blood sugar. Typically people that eat more in the morning crave less at night and do a better job controlling their portion sizes.

2) Snack on a high-fiber carb and protein — When you feel that mid-morning or late-afternoon hunger, reaching for a filling snack instead of something high in sugar will actually be more effective. Fiber and protein in particular slow down digestion, helping you get full faster and stay full longer, so consider string cheese and fruit, yogurt and berries, beef jerky and a granola bar. (Adding some sparkling water to go along with it can help you feel fuller too.)

3) Don’t let yourself get too hungry — People often think that by skipping out on a snack or meal they’re being “healthier,” but this will almost always just lead to more intense cravings. That’s because when people get too hungry, they typically don’t look for something healthy to eat. Instead, they look for something sweet to raise their blood sugar back up to normal. A blood sugar drop is a real thing; it can make you feel fatigued, have a headache, and even experience dizziness, shakiness, and nauseousness. Eating more often and balancing that meal or snack with carbs and protein can prevent you from blood sugar drops and ultimately help you avoid those sugar cravings.

So grab some Syfo and strive to change your eating habits throughout the day and you’ll be well on your way to kicking the sugar habit. For more tips to cut down on the cravings, you can read this Eat This, Not That! article here.

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