Make Sure Your Water and Beverages Are Healthy
November 21, 2012

Fukushima Radiation in Drinking Water?

According to Food Processing Magazine, elevated levels of radiation have been found in drinking water from Los Angeles to Philadelphia, likely due to the fallout of the nuclear reactor crisis in Fukushima, Japan. Concern is growing among people who are worried about how to make sure that their drinking water and other beverages are healthy and safe.

The Environmental Protection Agency says that the best way to remove radiation from water is through a filtering process called reverse osmosis. Syfo uses this purification process for all of our beverages. You can buy water and other beverages that are purified through reverse osmosis and there are reverse osmosis units you can purchase, ranging from small tabletop units to systems that can purify water from the sink or the entire house.

It’s now more important than ever to know that the beverages you drink are healthy for you and your family. You can be sure that all Syfo Beverages, including Original Seltzer and Naturally-Flavored Sparkling Waters, are 100% purified using a sophisticated multi-step purification process that eliminates all contaminants, whether naturally occurring or man-made.


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