Seltzer and Club Soda: What’s the Difference?
July 18, 2014

Seltzer and club soda – many people use them as mixers or drink them on their own. Both are types of carbonated water and the terms are often used interchangeably causing many people to assume they’re the same thing.  But there are important differences between the two, so we thought it would be helpful to clear up some of the confusion.


Seltzer is plain water that has been carbonated and does not contain any sodium salts. The word seltzer is derived from the name of a town in Germany called Selters. The town of Selters was home to a naturally-carbonated water spring that was discovered around the year 1000. Unfortunately, the spring’s resources were completely consumed by the end of the 19th century.

When it comes to seltzer, our Syfo Original Seltzer is one of the purest, healthiest and most refreshing seltzers you can buy.  It’s made with water that’s purified though a seven-step process that includes reverse osmosis.  Our Original Seltzer and our Naturally-Flavored Sparkling Waters are free of preservatives, sodium, artificial sweeteners, sugar or any other additives.

Club Soda

Although sometimes confused with seltzers, club soda is very different. Club soda is carbonated water that has mineral-like ingredients added for taste. These ingredients normally include salts such as potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, potassium sulfate, potassium citrate and table salt.

If you’re trying to reduce minerals like salt in your diet, try reaching for a bottle of seltzer instead for the perfect mixer or a refreshing beverage that’s perfect on its own.

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