Recipe of the Day
Long Distance Love Affairs
MISSING SYFO IN HOUSTON“I lived in Florida until 2 years ago and loved Syfo. I especially liked the fact that it doesn’t contain sodium plus I liked the taste. I live in the Houston, Texas area now and would love to be able to buy Syfo again. Please consider expanding to this area. Thank you.”
— Dorothy P. of Houston, TX LOVES LEMON-LIME“Your sparkling water is really GREAT!! The Lemon-Lime is especially one of my favorite flavors. I like to mix it with real fruit juices, like pomegranate or grape juice with a slice of lime. It is delicious and makes a great drink for guests. My only problem is that your waters are not sold here in Connecticut so there is a whole market you are missing. I hope this will change in the future in the meantime I will have to order direct. Thank you for making such and excellent product.”
— Helene J. of Essex, CT OUT OF TOWNER SAYS SYFO FOR PASSOVER“I am visiting my daughter in Miami Beach and she told us to get Lemon-Lime Syfo as she likes it better than diet soda and it is better for her. We agree! We also like that it is kosher for Passover.”
— Michael A. of Chicago, IL SYFO TASTES BETTER THAN WATER“Syfo tastes better than water. Syfo quenches my thirst better than water and I love the glass bottles. What are the closest Publix stores to Asheville, North Carolina? I will make a trip to South Carolina to get Syfo.”
— Roger B. of Winter Springs, FL WILL DRIVE BACK TO FL TO GET SYFO“I just moved from Florida to Louisiana. I love your product and am willing to drive 2 hours to get it.”
— Roger R. of Leesville, LA LOVE FIZZY LEMON-LIME SYFO“I visit Florida and have come to love your Syfo Lemon-Lime in the 10 oz., which is just the right size. Do you sell it in Massachusetts? None of the other brands up here have the nice fizz like yours.” DISCOVERED SYFO WHILE VISITING FLORIDA“On a recent trip to Florida I turned my husband on to Syfo. Now he’s obsessed. Is there any way we can get cases delivered to Michigan?”
— Sandy G. of Southfield, MI CAN I GET SYFO IN CHICAGO?“I tried your Syfo Lemon-Lime while in Florida and I love it. I want you to know that your product is extremely good drinking. Where can I get it in Illinois?”
— Raymond H. of Chicago, IL
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