Some Simple Health Tips from
October 12, 2016

day-13-drinking-beside-bridge-400x400Adopting a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be a major shift or a series of draconian steps of self-deprivation. recently publshed this series of commonsense tips designed to help you tailor your diet and your physical activities for the maximum health benefit.

We would you like to pay particular attention to the first slide in this series about curbing your sweet tooth. Avoiding sweet treats is important of course, but sometimes it’s not only about dessert.

At times that craving can take the form of wanting a sweet drink in the evening when meals and even dessert are done. When that urge arrives, reach for a refreshing glass of Syfo Naturally Flavored Sparkling Waters instead. Our four delicious flavors — Lemon-Lime, Wild Cherry, Tangerine Orange and Peach-Pear — are satisfying, refreshing and contain no calories, sugar, artificial sweeteners, sodium, preservatives or any other additives.  Here’s what Syfonatic Shayla E. had to say about how Syfo has worked for her:

“I want to let you know that Syfo has been a real life saver for me. I decided to start a diet that was pretty tough for me, but once I discovered Syfo, it was simple to stick to my diet! Syfo helped satisfy any cravings that I had for sweets or soda! The Tangerine-Orange and Wild Cherry taste amazing! I just bought 20 more bottles!! Thank you Syfo so much!!!”

Oh and by the way, slide 13 in’s presentation has to do with drinking water to stay hydrated instead of turning to energy drinks. Syfo does a pretty good job of that too.

Tell your friends about Syfo!