This recipe is a perfect way to celebrate Mardi Gras or stay refreshed all year long. Try it today!
"Thank you Syfo Original. I discovered you on a hot, humid August in Georgia. I have been hooked since. The glass bottle is the key for, it seems to hold the carbonation."
-- John O.
Phosphoric Acid and Sodas
February 19, 2013
No Phosphoric Acid in Syfo Beverages
You can be assured that there is absolutely no phosphoric acid in any Syfo carbonated beverage.Phosphoric acid is deliberately added in some carbonated soft drinks to give them a sharper flavor and keep the bubbles from going flat.
It also slows the growth of molds and bacteria, which would otherwise multiply rapidly in the sugary solution. In recent newscasts healthy carbonated beverages — including seltzers and flavored sparkling waters such as Syfo which contains absolutely no harmful additives — have been lumped into the same category as soft drinks.To make our beverages the most effervescent and bubbly on the market today, we inject our highly purified water with naturally occurring carbon dioxide gas which creates the carbonation.
For additional information on phosphoric acid and its health implications click here.