Recipe of the Day
No Phosphoric Acid in Syfo Beverages
There has been much discussion of late about the negative health impact of the phosphoric acid present in soft drinks. Phosphoric acid is deliberately added to some carbonated soft drinks to give them a sharper flavor and keep the bubbles from going flat. It also slows the growth of molds and bacteria, which otherwise would multiply rapidly in the sugary solutions of sodas and soft drinks. You can be assured that there is absolutely no phosphoric, tartaric, citric, or malic acid in any Syfo carbonated beverage. The intense fizz and tang in Syfo Beverages is due to the high carbonation found in our products and is not chemically introduced.
Syfo contains absolutely no harmful additives. To make our beverages the most effervescent and bubbly on the market today, we inject naturally occurring carbon dioxide into our perfectly purified water which creates the carbonation. In order to make our beverages healthy as well as the purest and most refreshing seltzer and sparkling waters available, we forgo the use of any additives including sugars, artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, or preservatives. Our flavorings are derived from the oil selectively extracted from the peel of fruits and are PG (propylene glycol) free. For additional information on phosphoric acid and its health implications click here.