New Peach-Pear Flavor a Summer Hit
September 6, 2016

Syfonatics have made their voices heard! All across the Southeast customers are saying how much they love our newest healthy and refreshing flavor — Syfo Peach-Pear Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water. Our sweetly fragrant Peach-Pear Sparkling Water is a bubbly blend of two delicious fruits. Take a sip and you will want to savor more.

Here’s the lowdown on special ordering Peach-Pear at any Publix Super Market:

Since Peach-Pear is not yet on the shelf at Publix, you’ll have to order the product as a Special Item Request. Speak to a manager at the store or someone at the customer service desk and be sure to give them the Publix Item Code (#214766) for Peach-Pear. The code is important so the correct Syfo product is ordered. If it takes longer than two weeks to get your order, please call us at 888-426-7936.

The more requests that come in, the more likely it is that you will see Peach-Pear Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water on the shelf. We hope you enjoy our Peach-Pear Sparkling Water for the rest of the summer, and its combination of these delicious flavors is perfect for the fall too!

Click here for some great Peach-Pear recipe ideas.

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